I’ve been having an obsession for Pinterest for a while now, and I used to gather quotes into one of those cute folders where you pin stuff that you like. In my case, I pinned quotes. Mostly motivational. Very girly too.

But the majority, despite the cool text and what it meant, looked the same: nice text over a colored background or a cute picture. And that was that.


So I thought, why not spice it up a lil’ bit? I can draw.
Even if I was on an almost 2 year break for drawing anything, I felt that I could make a come-back with this.


illustrated quotes


I’ve been painting since I was a child and since my exhibit in 2015, I only sparsely took time to draw. But I want to change that. And I felt this was IT.


The words spoke to me. And the images were created on paper…


vitamin sea


These drawings have a lot of meaning for me too. Because there are times when I am down, and I have to pick myself up. Times when my hair is a mess and I don’t feel that beautiful or when I’m simply not so confident in what I can achieve.


motivational quotes


So these are my words, towards you! If you ever feel down, sad or bummed about anything in your life… try to be strong. It is ok to cry, it is ok too let the walls crumble, the world to shatter. It will become a beautiful mosaic once you’ll be able to gather the pieces. Have a little faith in yourself!


fashion quotes


drops of jupiter


motivational quotes


motivational quotes


happiness quotes


girlboss quotes


Follow me on Instagram or give a like to my Facebook for more illustrated quotes! 

You can find the links on my blog.

PS: These are mine. You are not allowed to copy them or use them as your own.



Despre Xaara

Bloggeriță din 2009, artist mâzgălitor încă din copilărie devenit art terapeut ca adult. Mămică a 9 pisici și 2 câini, toți de rasă nobilă adoptabilă.
Mă poți susține apăsând butonul din dreapta și poți face o donație către mine. Banii sunt investiți în boabe pentru blănoși, materiale pentru sesiunile de art terapie cu copii sau în a plăti hosting-ul acestui blog.
Mulțumesc oricum pentru vizită și te mai aștept!

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